Social Studies

Observing People in Pictures: “Humans of New York”

(with optional exercise!)

What is Covered In Class:

Observing, looking at and hearing about different pictures of people in the book collection “Humans of New York.” An optional exercise at the end is to find other pictures of people somewhere and talk about them.

Developmental Domains:

Language, Social Observations, Awareness (Social, Personal, and Cultural)

Materials Needed:

Materials Needed:  No materials needed. For the optional exercise, one should find pictures of people to observe and discuss. Could be on the internet, in books, photos that have personally, magazines, newspapers, etc.



LadyBug Girl Feels Happy

What’s Covered In This Activity:

Reading “Lady Bug Girl Feels Happy” by Jacky Davis and David Soman out loud. A book about a Lulu (and her lovable dog, Bingo), who loves to play ladybug girl. We follow ladybug girl through her day and the emotions she is feeling in different social situations. 

Developmental Domains:

Understanding language, Reading with Expression, Print Knowledge, Storytelling, Emotional Identifications, and Emotional Awareness.

Materials Needed:

No materials needed for this lesson. 


Yutong (Amber)


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