Language & Literacy

LFH prescoolers 2


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“1 2 3” Read Aloud
and Count Along

What’s Covered In This Activity:

Reading “1 2 3” by Xavier Deneux out loud and counting along. A book about counting the dots and seeing what the dots can make. This is an interactive read aloud. 

Developmental Domains:

Understanding language, Reading with Expression, Print Knowledge, Storytelling, Counting 1 to 10, Identifications.

Materials Needed:

No materials needed.


Yutong (Amber)

“Lady Bug Girl Feels Happy” Read Aloud

What’s Covered In This Activity:

Reading “Lady Bug Girl Feels Happy” by Jacky Davis and David Soman out loud. A book about a Lulu (and her lovable dog, Bingo), who loves to play ladybug girl. We follow ladybug girl through her day and the emotions she is feeling in different social situations. 

Developmental Domains:

Understanding language, Reading with Expression, Print Knowledge, Storytelling, Emotional Identifications, and Emotional Awareness.

Materials Needed:

No materials needed.


Yutong (Amber)

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Farm Animal Sounds and Identifications

What’s Covered In This Activity:

Identifying and Making farm animal sounds with Farmer Tatyana and her farm animals. 

Developmental Domains:

Understanding language, Animal Identifications, Sound Identifications, Making Sounds. 

Materials Needed:

No materials needed.



A Spanish Alphabet Rock Song: Sing Along and Alphabet Lesson

What’s Covered In This Activity:

Singing and Following Along along A Spanish Alphabet Rock Song and mini lesson 

Developmental Domains:

Spoken Language, Spanish Alphabet, Phonemic Awareness, Symbolic Thinking, Memory, Creativity, Self-Esteem, Self-Confidence, Self-Efficacy, Self-Awareness 

Materials Needed:

No materials needed.



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